De Philosopher DJ KYOS Quotes

“There is always a reason to smile you have to find one.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“A No, coming from a drunk voice is still a no. A No coming from soft voice is still a no. A No coming from someone who is naked is still a no. A no coming from someone you you know, is still a no
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Most business have closed and some lose clients or customers, because they think they are smart. They become greedy, then they try to cheat their customers and taking advantage or their loyalty to them.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“When a person mentions gender of a person they are speaking to in a sentence, when addressing them or when they are speaking to them. Just know they are about to apply manupulation adn they being stereo type
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“The truth is even thou you see some people recover from corona virus. You don’t know if your body can handle it.So the safest way if for you to avoid getting it.Stay home or move with caution.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“When you start to normalize bad things. Bad things will start to normalize themselves happening to you. Be careful of what do you normalize in life.
- De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Thanks God is Friday. Party people let meet at the dance floor.
-De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Popularity, fame or money does not mean you are good person, but your heart, behaviour, characteristics and actions do. - De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“ A willing heart is the key to the door of possibilities. A person with a willing heart can do lot of things that were declared being impossible.
- De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Choose your words carefully when you speak to others. Some people lost their job, friends, family, partners,and respect, because of how they speak.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Choose to tell your own story . The only way you will tell a better story about your life, is choosing to live your own life to the fullest without being apologetic about it or copying others.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Me being black. It doesn't mean I only qualify to be shoot at, arrested or to be killed. There are more certificates I deserve, rather than death certificate. Why is it a crime for me to live?
- De philosophe DJ Kyos”

“Choose to tell your own story . The only way you will tell a better story about your life, is choosing to live your own life to the fullest without being apologetic about it or copying others.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Me being black. It doesn't mean I only qualify to be shoot at,arrested or to be killed. There are more certificates I deserve, rather than death certificate. Why is it a crime for me to live?
- De philosophe DJ Kyos”

“I dont celebrate any friendship that was build on hate, because we share the common enemy.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Be thankful every time , when someone is good to you. Don’t forget that every kindness or good deed is a sacrifice to the person who is doing it.
—De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“I dont celebrate any friendship that was build on hate,because we share the common enemy.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Abuse is no only physical. You can abuse someone emotionally and verbally. There is no abuse that is big or small, most important or less important, most serious or less serious, because every abuse is wrong and must stop.
— De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Be thankful every time , when someone is good to you. Don’t forget that every kindness or good deed is a sacrifice to the person who is doing it.
—De philosopher DJ Kyos”

“Choose to scrutinize every information you get,because some people say things to mislead you and some media house if not all. Are bought to push and publish certain agendas.
- De philosopher DJ Kyos”

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