DJ Kyos author


Kyos Magupe is the Author of the Theory of 46 be’s book. This is a personal and business development philosophical book. It simplify ways of being happy and successful in life. The book is not there to tell you how wrong you are or to judge you. It is there to help you on how to make things right, how to rectify the mistakes you made and to prepare you for the future. It will help you to understand yourself. It will help you with your own personal growth, education and career advancement. While you are enjoying your present life it prepares you for the future one. The book has no gender or race preference, but its methods are possible and practical to everyone everywhere. If you want to be an entrepreneur, a manager, good student, employee, a better person or you want to be happy and successful in life. Then this book is for you. It will be your VVIP golden ticket to your future life. It is also the perfect gift to give to someone whom you love and care for. After reading this book you won’t be the same again. The book has been recognised as the best motivational book worldwide. It is being used by doctors, psychologists, motivational speakers, social workers, artist, celebrities. It has helped lot of people, Lot of families and students. Employed and unemployed, graduates and under graduates. The book is available in all book retail stores and online stores.